Magyar Helsinki Bizottság felhívása
2024. június 11.
Tisztelt Kolleganők, Tisztelt Kollegák!
Szíves tájékoztatásul megküldöm a Magyar Helsinki Bizottság felhívását.
Szeged, 2024-06-11
Tisztelettel: dr. Török Béla elnök
The Hungarian Helsinki Committee (HHC) is assessing the idea of establishing a specific online advice forum for European legal practitioners focusing on the application of fundamental rights in migration-related cases. The aim of the forum would be to help practitioners find quick advice or comparative information from their peers in other European countries, thus enhancing the quality of legal assistance and fundamental rights litigation throughout the region.
The forum would not deal with issues related to asylum and statelessness, given the existence of thematic networks and legal discussion fora on these specific issues (which also inspired the idea of this forum). The thematic scope of the forum would cover any other legal matter which is related to the respect of fundamental rights in migration-related administrative or judicial procedures in Europe, such as expulsion, extradition, removal proceedings or the denial of a residence permit. Thematic examples include the right to respect for family and private life, the specific protection of victims of trafficking and unaccompanied minors outside the asylum framework and the violation of procedural safeguards.
The anonymous questionnaire consists of 4 short questions and we would highly appreciate it if you could take a couple of minutes to fill it in by 15 July. Please find the questionnaire here:
Please feel free to forward the questionnaire to any other colleagues, who you think it would be relevant for.
Thank you in advance and kind regards,
Laura ARMSTRONG project and fundraising manager
Magyar Helsinki Bizottság | Hungarian Helsinki Committee
Hungary, 1074 Budapest, Dohány utca 20.
+361 321 4141 |